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The Story Behind The Stove


Cutting The First Batch of The Rocket King

The initial run of Rocket King stoves was laser cut in Birmingham, Alabama. This batch fulfilled the pre-orders from my Kickstarter campaign with a few left over to send to Amazon. It was exciting to see something I'd designed and revised and revised some more, turn into an actual product. I've since switched to 18-gauge for lightness and durability and moved to a laser-cutter closer to my home.


How To Light The Rocket King Camping Stove

The trick to lighting the Rocket King is to get the convection airflow going, bringing an oxygen boost to the fire. The "RK" cutout is there to assist in lighting the stove. One simple way to light the stove is to place a twisted piece of paper just inside the "R" and then build a fire of the smallest sticks and twigs around the paper, and then light with a match or lighter.


Boiling Eggs On The Rocket King Stove

I use my Rocket King camping stove at least once a week to boil eggs. Boiling water is a great use for a fast-burning rocket stove, with the water serving a great heat sink, absorbing all the heat the stove can throw at it. I love boiling eggs, to eat as is, or make into egg salad, one of my childhood favorites. The Rocket King stove feels right at home in your back yard as well as the trail.


Boiling Test On The Rocket King MICRO

The Rocket King MICRO camping stove is designed to be used with a camping cup or smaller boiler. I did a boil test in this video, which could have been more efficient if I had used a lid. The MICRO is made from 20-gauge stainless steel and weighs 14 ounces with its canvas bag. It is perfect for the pack-weight-conscious solo hiker.